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Richard Freeman was called by God, along with his wife Patsy and their children Becky and Ricky, to  begin Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, Texas.  It began in their living room almost 36 years ago.  
The Lord enabled the congregation to build a beautiful synagogue that houses about 450 people.  Richard will retire December 31, 2017. 
He and Patsy understand the sacrifices involved in raising up a messianic synagogue against all odds.  They share a burden for the other pioneering rabbis in the messianic movement, realizing that many couples who are part of the “boomer” generation are reaching retirement age and do not have sufficient funds.  They believe that Adonai has called them to raise support for these heroes of the faith.  The Rabbis Legacy Fund has been created for such a time as this.  
Rabbis Elliot Klayman and Marty Waldman have come along side as board members of the organization.  These three men and their wives have known each other for over 30 years and have shared the challenges of congregational growth within the movement.

None of the funds of the Rabbis Legacy Fund go to the founder or board members in any form including salaries, donations, gifts. 
Rabbis Legacy Fund needs your participation as they help these pioneering rabbis retire with dignity!